Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cool Shit 2#

So I want to watch NZ defy all the odds and somehow get through to the final 16 this world cup but I have to wait till midnight. I've been up since 4:30am and need to keep myself from falling to sleep. What am I going to do...

Bam! I'll bake some awesome...

$3 Beers
Cheap Schnitzels
Dead Farmers
a measly $5 door
free pool
7:30 so I don't fall asleep
And it finishes before the footy
An empty vessel that is as big as, looks and smells like the Petersham Bowling Club

Get to the Petersham Bowlo, prepare yourself in some pants you've worn earlier, mix all the ingredients at once. Then release pants.


Alternatively, You can go to Oxford Arts and check out Brendys waxed mustache, Dion's Shell-necklace-denim-jacket-no-tshirt ensemble, Ritchie's lack there of, Bish's wife beater and Ellie's trademark tambambourine thigh bruising insanity all for free supporting Fait Accompli in the gallery bar. Not to mention hitting up everyone's favorite bar on Oxford st. the Brighton for beers after/before/and inbetween.

Whatever you do make sure it's either of these.

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