Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cool Shit 2#

So I want to watch NZ defy all the odds and somehow get through to the final 16 this world cup but I have to wait till midnight. I've been up since 4:30am and need to keep myself from falling to sleep. What am I going to do...

Bam! I'll bake some awesome...

$3 Beers
Cheap Schnitzels
Dead Farmers
a measly $5 door
free pool
7:30 so I don't fall asleep
And it finishes before the footy
An empty vessel that is as big as, looks and smells like the Petersham Bowling Club

Get to the Petersham Bowlo, prepare yourself in some pants you've worn earlier, mix all the ingredients at once. Then release pants.


Alternatively, You can go to Oxford Arts and check out Brendys waxed mustache, Dion's Shell-necklace-denim-jacket-no-tshirt ensemble, Ritchie's lack there of, Bish's wife beater and Ellie's trademark tambambourine thigh bruising insanity all for free supporting Fait Accompli in the gallery bar. Not to mention hitting up everyone's favorite bar on Oxford st. the Brighton for beers after/before/and inbetween.

Whatever you do make sure it's either of these.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

JJJ Unearthed

Cheers Pakton, whoever you are

If you want to listen to tracks for free go here and check it out JJJ Unearthed

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Waveton Recording Times

We starting recording last weekend for our debut album. We churned out some sweet drums, bass and some guitar on six tracks. We went out to Waveton old army barracks with Tim Kevin and tangled ourselves in a hell of a lot of cables ribbon mics tape machines and old metal boxes with really big knobs... and here they are

This box seemed integral to the recording process (I think it meant awesome on or off) notice how it's in the middle.

Midnight Oil's tape machine... true story and Paul's melted volley.

More big analogue knobs. These ones are from an 1940s mic pre

Even the fan is vintage

Tim... Laughing at our musical prowess... probably

Vintage tape machine works really well as an amp

Lyons and his emergency dunny roll


This Kookaburra was not scared at all no matter how close I got.

Cool Shit

I love cool shit, like this picture of Dom eating an Ice Cream


and slot cars

But also I'm pretty excited about this album. Looking forward to hearing it when it comes out next Saturday.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shows, Blows and Moes

Shows Shows Shows

That's right we're playing shows. We're also starting to record our debut album this weekend. Wish us luck.

LL's - (Party Set)
Mum - World Bar - 18th June - $10 Doorlist if you attend thisevent
The Shake Up
Shakin' Howls
Artisan Guns
Little L's

LL's - (Pop Set)
Spectrum - 16th July - $10+BF Moshtix
Boatpeople (Album Launch)
Little Lovers

LL's (Grunge/Punk Set)
The Annandale - 23rd July - $15+BF Dale Site
Violent Soho (Freakin' Back in the A.U.S)
Scul Hazzards
Butcher Birds
Little Lovers

There has been no fights, oh wait except for Dion breakin' Benny's wrist.

Brendy got back from OS and has the sweetest waxed twisty Moe. Hopefully you can all witness the awesome on the Friday Night at MUM.