Friday, March 26, 2010

1st Sydney Review

Long time no hear? You say. Well yeah. Next show is at the UTS Loft bar aka FUZZBOX friday, facebook event, we're playing with Yae!Tiger sweet!!! Should have a bunch of new songs or hopefully at least 3.

We got our first live review in Sydney. Seems odd saying that but it is. It's little but I suppose so are we.

Full review here

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Posters For The Jeffrey Lewis Show

Check out these sweet posters Phoebe did up for us. I think she's pretty keen on doing more band posters if your interested. Check em out. I title these Robotz Vs Fences. Also come to the show it'll be amazing. Info on Jeffrey Lewis.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thanks All

Thanks to everyone who came to the Annandale show. A big thanks to Yae!Tiger, Lyyar and Shakin' Howls. We needed to get 100 payers to appese the dale. We ended up with 90 on a raining Sunday so I think that's a win... I think.